Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time for Change

As you may already have read a few articles ago I have been playing a really kool goblin build. I built it before the artifact goblins made headlines with a few top 8 finishes. My version uses rebirth but also uses far less artifacts. I have really enjoyed playing the deck, in fact I have been very successful with it. Over the last 6 or so FNM's I believe I have a record along the lines of 25-4. Which is solid in my opinion. But........

Its time to update my deck that I have been playing. Its time for a change. Why, you ask? Because I am in a position to where hate is flowing my way and other people are making versions of my deck and I want to be different. With the FNM (my local shop) metagame changing to where everyone is either running a pyroclasm or marsh casualties or tons of spot removal, I want to flip the script.

Now, at first thought with this picture, your saying to yourself...... everyone plays with trinket mage. It's in UB control, its in UBR, its in URG. Yea but here is where I went different. I went with a UW Artifact build. WHAT????? Yea that's what I was saying at first too but I have been working on the list and its seems to win in some very strange ways, it is not really a control deck by design but it has surprising resiliency. Check out the list.


3 Wall of Omens
3 Sea Gate Oracle
4 Trinket Mage
3 Etched Champion
2 Molten Tail Masticore
2 Wurmcoil Engine


3 Everflowing Chalice
2 Darksteel Axe
1 Chimeric Mass
1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Basilisk Collar
1 Brittle Effigy
2 Ratchet Bomb
2 Journey to Nowhere
2 Into the Roil
3 Day of Judgement


6 Plains
6 Island
4 Celestial Colonnade
4 Glacial Fortress
2 Seachrome Coast
3 Tectonic Edge

The sideboard is yet to be finalized, I have a lot more play testing to do to get it where i need it. In fact the same can be said for the main deck. But here is a rough draft of where it would be.


3 Leyline of Sanctity
3 Spell Pierce
1 Devout Lightcaster
2 Condemn
1 Ratchet Bomb
3 Kor Firewalker
2 Kor Sanctifiers

Ok so you may see already where this is going but just in case let me explain. When i build decks I typically have a few goals in mind.

-Multiple win conditions
-Answers for everything (Main and SB)

The deck meets all these goals to a degree and I will try to give a quick explanation for each.


There are several things that I think attribute to synergy here but some of them are obvious and others not so much. Trinket mage and all the 1 or 0 drop artifacts is one. Well known due to UB control is all the recursion from elixir of immortality. You get to recur all sorts of fun toys like killed man lands, ratchet bombs, into the roils, day of judgement and all the creatures that help u draw cards etc. Molten Tail Masticore with all of my creatures (and yes I do know that he butts heads with elixir, which is why i cut him from 3 to 2) but when he is good he is great.


One obvious win condition is Wurmcoil Engine and Masticore, but there are a few others. I can actually deal damage with my small guys thanks to some equipment. But one of the most fun ones is Etched Champion because of his great interaction with Darksteel Axe. He basically becomes a 4/2 that cant be blocked or killed by most anything. An unblockable guy with 4 power can end games fairly quickly.


There are lots of answers in here as well. My early drop creatures and Day of judgements are my answers for early agro like Goblins, RDW, Infect and Elves. For Other control decks I have into the roil, tectonic edge, brittle effigy, ratchet bomb etc. For Mid range decks its just kind of a mixed bag, a little bit of everything.

In conclusion I really like this deck but I still have some work to do and testing to see if it is really as good as i hope, let me know what you think and hope you like it. Thanks.

Tony Derbigny

Monday, November 15, 2010

Alternatives In Standard

Hello everyone and if you are reading this I am appreciative of your support and hope you enjoy the articles. I have to get the original blogsters back on so I'm not the only one on but its still fun. I have a special treat for you today, I have a buddy who I am featuring in todays article. He recently won his first FNM with a very fun and even more importantly, very original deck. I have seen this thing in action and it is very kool! I asked him to send me the decklist and a quick write up on how it is supposed to work and he took it seriously and sent me a full article. I will share that with you today and hope you enjoy.

Here it is!!!


4 Nantuko Shade
4 Vampire Hexmage
4 Vampire Nighthawk
4 Gatekeeper of Malakir
4 Skinrender
3 Moriok Replica

4 Inquisition of Kozilek
3 Duress
3 Mind Sludge
3 Grim Discovery

20 Swamp
4 Tectonic Edge

2 Disfigure
3 Memoricide
3 Nihil Spellbomb
2 Ratchet Bomb
1 Duress
3 Black Night
1 Royal Assassin

This version of a Mono-Black deck tries to take advantage of all the creature decks in the meta with decent game against control decks. Many of creatures are two-for-ones in the form of:

· Gatekeeper of Malikir
· Skinrender
· Moriok Replica

Vampire Hexmage and Vampre Nighthawk serve two roles. While Hexmage is good at fighting planewalkers, Nighthawks allow the deck to race other aggro decks. Many times, Nighthawk is just another removal spell when the opponent is the beatdown deck. Other times, Hexmage is able to swing a couple times against opposing control decks and take down their plansewalkers. Duress is there for redundancy.

The main beater is Nantuko Shade. If he is able to slip under early counter magic, he can end games quickly if not answered.

The discard package can be strong if used in conjunction with an early beater. Against creature decks, I use the Inquisition of Koziilks as another removal spell and treat it as a cheaper Smother. The Mind Sludges are in there against ramp and control decks.

Tectonic Edges are in there to punish the 2-3 color decks that rely heavily on the dual lands for mana fixing. The ability to kill multiple lands early on, followed up by a Mind Sludge can be devastating for the opponent.
But what makes the deck “pop” are the Grim Discoverys. The ability to recycle Tectonic Edges and all of the two-for-one creatures is what helps the deck win attrition wars. Often, I am able to play Gatekeeper early on to make them sac a creature and then destroy a land. Rinse and repeat a few turns later and then eventually play a Mind Sludge to take out their hand. Often, the best play might only constitute getting back either a creature spell or a Tectonic edge. However, getting both back is awesome sauce.

So far at my FNMs, I have done well against all the creature decks from RDW, WW Quest, Poison and Allies. I have not faced Elves so I am not able to comment on this match up. Against creature decks, I board in the following:

3 Mind Sludge
2 Vampire Hexmage

2 Disfigure
2 Ratchet Bomb
1 Royal Assassin

I wish I talk could more regarding the U/x control match ups. Not very many people are playing control at my local FNM but I tested against a U/B control list and I seemed to have a good match up since their Doom Blades were dead and I would attack the manabase. If I was able to get an early Nantuko Shade on board, then the game was over fairly quickly. I have also tested against U/W control and that match up is more challenging since many of their cards are also two for ones. Against U/W control, I board in the following:

4 Skinrender
1 Gatekeeper of Malikir
2 Moriok Replica

1 Duress
3 Memoricide
3 Black Knight

Against U/B:
4 Skinrender
1 Gatekeeper of Malikir
2 Moriok Replica

1 Duress
3 Memoricide
3 Nihil Spellbomb – Use this to foil their Elixir of Immortality plan

Since many control decks use big bombs as their finishers, I use the Memoricides to take them out if Jace the Mind Sculptor is not already on board.

I treat the ramp deck similar to the control decks. Board in a Duress, 3 Memoricides, the Royal Assassin and 2 Ratchet Bombs. If you get a Memoricide name Avenger of Zendikar since this deck is a dog against it. If not, then there is the hope to kill all the tokens with a Ratchet Bomb. Keep them off multiple Valakuts with Tectonic Edges and use Grim Discoverys to get them back. Even though many of your spells are not as powerful as the Valakut deck’s, you need to play the match up as if you are the control deck. Try to land a Mind Sludge as early as possible. Game two they will side in Obstinate Baloth. If I had to choose which creature I would rather fight between a Baloth or Avenger of Zendikar or Primeval Titan, I would choose the Baloth any day of the week. The life gain is negligible since you are the control deck in the match up.

This deck has also difficulties against Mimic Vat decks. If possible, make them discard the Mimic Vat or Memoricide it away games two and three. I try and combat Mimic Vat decks similar to ramp decks. Many times once you have the game under control, a couple swings from a Nantuko Shade will usually end the game.

I know there are other match ups I did not mention but at the moment, these are the decks I have played against at my local FNM. I imagine if Elves was a bigger deck in my meta, I would consider Marsh Causalities in the board as well.

Eloy Hernandez


P.S. Eloy I would just like to thank you for your contribution and hope that we can talk about some more victories and new fresh ideas in the future. Great Job!!!!