Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dramatic Angels

There is a combo from the Shadowmoor block that I have always been in love with... Dramatic Entrance + Woodfall Primus. In my opinion Woodfall Primus is the biggest and baddest guy on the block from the Shadowmoor set but he's just so damn expensive. What if you could cheat him in on turn 4 or 5? Well, now that's a whole different story. All of the sudden you have a 6/6 creature with Trample and the ability to destroy any non-creature permanent when he comes into play. Think that's scary? It gets even worse because he has Persist which means if your opponent Terrors him than he comes back into play and destroys another non-creature permanent. Dramatic Entrance + Woodfall Primus is a match made in heaven.

Speaking of heaven, I think I've finally found a fun and casual way to bring that combo into the plane of Alara. I've always wanted to make an Angel deck that is different and the world of Bant definitely gives us options. Imagine Dramatic Entrance + Empyrial Archangel. She's not someone you would want to meet on a battlefield. Her Shroud ability is what really sets her apart as an almost lock to win the game for you. What's crazy is that with a little luck and a little mana acceleration you could potentially get her out on turn 4. I wouldn't want to be the other guy in that matchup. Now, let's discuss the other pieces to the puzzle.

Our early game spells are Rampant Growth and/or Courier's Capsule. Each one is very useful in setting us up to succeed in the later game.

Bant Charm is absolutely necessary in this deck. It's an extremely versatile spell that can bail you out of a lot of tough situations. Fog should buy you another turn to drop your combo. It's also great when used with Stoic Angel. Let's say your opponent attacks you with three creatures on turn 3. Drop Fog to prevent all combat damage and play Stoic Angel on turn 4 which will allow your opponent to only untap one creature. Nice!

These pretty ladies are the only other creatures in the deck but they'll definitely help hold down the fort until the big guns come out to play. Guardian Seraph can be a beast if you're playing a Weenie or Token deck with a lot of small creatures. If your opponent attacks with 5 1/1 Faeries none of them deal damage to you!

All in all I think this is a fun deck that will win some games for you in a casual setting. Here is the final Decklist...

Creature Spells
Stoic Angel x3
Empyrial Archangel x3
Jenara, Asura of War x4
Guardian Seraph x3
Woodfall Primus x3

Instant Spells
Bant Charm x4
Dramatic Entrance x4
Fog x4

Sorcery Spells
Rampant Growth x4

Artifact Spells
Courier's Capsule x4

Seaside Citadel x4
Terramorphic Expanse x2
Vivid Meadow x4
Plains x2
Forest x6
Island x6

I hope this deck has given you guys some new ideas. Drop me a line if you have any questions and don't be afraid to leave your thoughts in the comments section. Take care and good luck on your next coin flip!

P.S. I've got quite a few decks for sale at my ebay store. All of them are custom made for casual yet competitve play. Take a peek at...

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