Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Evolution Of Chandra Grixis Control

Through out the last several months I have been playing versions of this deck, and I have settled on this build for the next Star City 10K in Fort Worth, TX in two weeks. I love this has everything you want in a deck: It Beats Jund, Has Explosive Wins, Runs Cruel Ultimatum, and did I mention that IT BEATS JUND. I have had several positive encounters with the newest build vs the cascade bastard deck; and I am not the only one (see What Beats Jund). According to their results, Grixis Control has a 65% win rate vs Jund.

Now on to the deck.

2 Chandra Abalaze
1 Sorin Markov
2 Jace Beleren
3 Cruel Ultimatum
3 Sphinx of Jwar Isle
2 Sphinx of Lost Truths
4 Terminate
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Deathmark
3 Earthquake
3 Flashfreeze
3 Double Negative
3 Couriers Capsule

These are the 4 primary win factors. Chandra Ablaze is awesome in this deck. She can Flame Javelin opponents or creatures. She can cripple a control mirrors hand with her second ability and refill yours, and her ultimate is GG. Sorin is a powerful addition to the deck. He helps syphon life and can reset your opponents life to 10 if their life starts to get to high. His ultimate Mindslaving ability is hard for your opponent to deal with. Cruel Ultimatum is the "I Win" card. Very few opponents can deal with 1 Cruel let alone Chandra and Cruel. And lastly is the power creature of the deck, Sphinx of Jwar Isle. This is the F you card that Jund hates to see. Jund has no answer for this guy and he puts your opponent on a clock that results in your win.

This deck is really good vs Jund maindecked. The sideboard has a few cards that help with certain matchups.

3 Malakir Bloodwitch - vs anything white and Baneslayer
2 Siege Gang Commander - vs RDW and Boros
2 Haunting Echoes - vs anything unearth, Vampires, and maybe other control decks
2 Swerve - vs control or burn decks
1 Flashfreeze - vs anything red or green
3 Countersquall - vs control mirror
2 Essence Scatter - vs fast aggro decks, vampires, or anything Sphinx or Baneslayer

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