Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lucky Charms!

Ever since Shards of Alara was released I have been fascinated with the five charms that came within the set. Each of the planes of Alara has its own charm and I've always wanted to make a five color deck built around these charms. I think I've finally built a deck that just might be fun in casual play. First let's look at these charms one by one...

The Bant Charm has an answer for any troublesome artifact in play, a creature that is too tough to kill, or any instant that your opponent might be saving to hurt you or one of your creatures. It's a very versatile charm and one of my favorites.

Esper Charm is absolutely a necessity in this deck as it provides an answer for pesky enchantments like Bitterblossom or Oblivion Ring while also giving you a two card draw option which is huge. The discard option is cool in certain scenarios where you think your opponent might be holding something lethal in his hand that you wish to get rid of.

The first two options with Grixis Charm are probably the most useful. The only time I would use the last one is if I had two or three creatures on the board and could deliver the knockout blow.

The main use for Jund Charm in this deck is the global removal option which deal 2 damage to each creature. This is very nice if you're up against a speedy token deck that has 4 or 5 creatures on the board by turn 3 or 4. The first option is great if you're playing against an Unearth or Reanimate deck of some sort.

All three of Naya Charm's options are incredibly useful to me. Doing 3 damage to target creature speaks for itself but where this card really shines is the second and third options. To be able to return a card from your graveyard to your hand is very strong in this deck as it allows you even more options. Maybe you have a Jund Charm in your graveyard and you need to bring it back to clear the board again. Or, maybe you need to bring Bant Charm back to put that giant creature your opponent just played at the bottom of his library. The third option could be a game winner as you can tap all of your opponent's creatures freeing your guys to attack at will.

This deck is unique because we'll be putting 4 of each charm in it to start. That means more than half the deck is made up of charms. So, where do we go from here? Well, I start with 4 Worldheart Phoenix as the best possible creature for this deck...

To be able to bring a creature back from the graveyard to play over and over is very useful indeed. Not only does she come back but she comes back as a 4/4 creature every time. I love this card for five color control. Another creature card I put in this deck is the very useful Stoic Angel...

She can lock down the board for you until you rev up your mana base so you can do some real damage with your charms. Another great card for this deck is Child of Alara...

This puts your opponent in a very tough spot as not only does he have to deal with a 6/6 creature with Trample but if he decides to remove him he'll destroy all other permanents in play accept lands as long as he goes to the graveyard. Your opponent does have options though. Spells like Oblivion Ring and Unmake can answer him very nicely but he's still a big threat as long as he's on the board. Last but not least we'll put 4 Quirion Dryad in the deck to add some creatures for the early game...

So here is the final deck list as constructed with the cards mentioned above...

Worldheart Phoenix x4
Stoic Angel x4
Quirion Dryad x4
Child of Alara x3

Bant Charm x4
Esper Charm x4
Grixis Charm x4
Jund Charm x4
Naya Charm x4

Exotic Orchard x4
Rupture Spire x4
Arcane Sanctum x3
Crumbling Necropolis x3
Jungle Shrine x3
Savage Lands x3
Seaside Citadel x3
Unstable Frontier x2

The biggest weakness of this deck is that it takes a while to rev up. If you don't have any Quirion Dryads in your hand you might not be able to play anything until turn 4 because most of the lands come into play tapped. The best answer for this is take out some charms and add more global removal such as 4 Firespouts or something along those lines. Let me know where this deck takes you. That's it for today and good luck on your next coin flip!

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