Monday, October 26, 2009

Combo and Synergy - October and November

This month's Combo and Synergy highlights several key components of decks being played around the Magic Community. Hopefully, they will inspire you to create a combo deck of your own (and one that will hopefully pwn all the prevalent aggro decks out there). Enjoy!!!

This month's first combo is from Lad's Mill deck. The deck abuses Archive Trap and Path to Exile. On the turn immediately following his opponent's creature drop, Lad Path to Exiles it from the game. Most opponents will then search for a land. After doing this, Lad plays all the Archive Traps from his hand without paying their mana costs to begin milling anywhere from 13 to 42 cards.

These two cards are awesome together in a Grixis Combo deck. Use early Lightning Bolts, Burst Lightnings, Blightning, and other burn spells to trigger the Ascension. After the Ascension is ready, play Archive Trap to mill 13 cards and syphon 26 life from your opponent for the win.

This is an awesome combo for getting rid of pesky creatures. Play Journey to Nowhere, and when Journey enters play name the pesky creature to exile. While the exiled ability is on the stack, bounce Journey to Nowhere to your hand with Into the Roil. Journey will return to your hand and then the creature will be exiled. Since Journey reads, "When Journey to Nowhere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner control," Journey will look to return its exiled card to the battlefield when it leaves; however, since the card has yet to be exiled it won't be returned...after Journey is bounced the triggered ability will then resolve and exile the pesky creature forever....And then you Journey something else.

This is an awesome 2 card combo that has seen some top 8 tournament play. Eldrazi Monument requires you to sacrifice a creature at each upkeep; Bloodghast returns to play each time you play a land. Sacrifice Bloodghast to the monument and return him at your land drop.

These two cards have seen some play and make for a crazy win condition. Warp World requires both players to shuffle all permanents they control into their library and then reveal that many cards from their library and put all revealed permanents into play under their control. Ob Nixilis is a 3/3 demon that has landfall (drains 3 life and gets +3/+3). When Ob Nixilis comes into play he sees how many lands also came into play and they trigger his landfall (ex. Ob Nixilis and 4 lands equals a 15/15 Ob Nixilis that drained 12 life). Also, if 2 or more Ob Nixilis are revealed, they are both put into play. Their legendary sacrifice rule is put on the stack and the landfall triggers and will resolve first (ex. 2 Ob Nixilis and 3 lands equals 2 12/12 Ob Nixilis that drained 18 life that will be sacrificed.)

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