Friday, January 7, 2011


Hello everyone,

I would like to start by saying I am in the process of re-committing myself to Magic as a whole. I have been spending a lot of time getting into proper practices (or what I think are proper practices). I am tight on time with a full time job, a wife, and a child but I am doing my best to stay focused. My primary focus has been extended since that will be what the PTQ season and and Grand Prix will be. Now I know that the format will change because there is a new set coming out but that does not mean that it is too early to get to work. In fact i believe that the new set (a small set) will only make a marginal difference in the overall meta. I think that it may drag down a few decks from one tier to another and vice versa. i would even go as far as saying there could be one brand new deck that is created and competitive right away but not much more than that.

The biggest thing I have had to do is test, test, test. It is the only way to make sure you are prepared for what will come your way. With PTQ's you sometimes have the opportunity to steal games you should not win just simply because you are more prepared than your opponent. If I were to make a list off the top of my head of the primary factors that determine a match they would be.....

- The deck you are playing (including meta gaming)
- Play skill (including rules knowledge)
- Preparation
- Luck

I think if you are exceptional at one of these you can make up for some lack in one of the other categories. Luck obviously is out of your control but if you build a consistent and balanced deck and prepare it can seem to others that you have exceptional luck. You can create the perception of luck by playing the match based on what you anticipate because you have played these scenarios out time and time again through practice. It is a wonderful feeling when things come together that way.

Play skill is the hardest of these four to change. In a way it comes from years of playing and practicing. Some are much quicker students of the game and can pick up on some of the smallest details and use it to their advantage. I personally am still working on my rules knowledge and learn quite often from other players things I either didn't know or didn't catch previously, its exciting!

I am trying my best to keep an open mind about what deck I will play and what my game plan will be for the up coming events but I can't help to find myself drifting towards the deck I was originally planning to play. Thankfully I have been surprised that it is doing well against most of the current meta-game. Again though I can't get my hopes up to much until I have adequately tested and seen what changes will happen with Mirrodin Besieged.

In case you are wondering the deck I was referring to is Doran. To me it has a lot of game against not only a lot of decks maindeck answers but also most of their sideboards as well. Aside from Day of Judgement most of the other board sweepers don't hurt me too much since they only deal 2 damage or give everything -2/-2. All the hand destruction I pack helps me against control and combo, and typically my creatures are going to be bigger than most of the other agro decks. I did not plan on posting the list today but if anyone is interested send a message and I will be happy to post it.

Thanks guys, and for the original bloggers Nicki and Justin I will be at Area 51 tonight to get on you for not keeping up with your posts, lol

Until next time....Happy building.

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