Monday, February 21, 2011

PTQ Update

Well, well, well,

I had a very difficult time in my most recent PTQ. I had a big time roller coaster ride and it was not a fun one. I started the PTQ 0-2 and almost dropped out of the tournament but decided I had to get some points back and still felt like I had a solid deck, just bad draws. I eventually clawed myself back with going 4-0 in the middle of the tournament. I felt very comfortable that I had a shot at some packs, I just had to win one more match. i proceeded to go 0-2 to finish a disappointing day. Here is a quick breakdown on the matches I had.

Rnd 1 GW Trap - Lost
Rnd 2 5 Color Control - Lost
Rnd 3 Jund - Won
Rnd 4 Jund - Won
Rnd 5 Naya - Won
Rnd 6 Jund - Won
Rnd 7 Faeries - Lost
Rnd 8 Elves (mono) - Lost

Just in case you did not read any of the previous articles, I was playing Doran. Honestly, even with a 4-4 record (not good) I would probably still play it again if I had a chance. I never felt like I was completely outmatched, but I did feel like I had some unlucky draws. If I were to play the same deck again I think I would only make 2 changes, one main deck and one sideboard.

Here was the list.


3x Birds of Paradise
3x Treefolk Harbinger
1x Stoneforge Mystic
3x Putrid Leech
2x Quasali Pridemate
2x Kitchen Finks
3x Knight of the Reliquary
4x Doran, The Siege Tower
1x Thrun, The Last Troll


2x Path to Exile
3x Thoughtseize
2x Duress
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
2x Green Sun's Zenith
1x Behemoth Sledge
3x Maelstrom Pulse

LANDS (25)

4x Forest
2x Swamp
2x Plains
3x Stirring Wildwood
4x Verdant Catacombs
1x Marsh Flats
3x Misty Rainforest
4x Murmuring Bosk
1x Sejiri Steppe


1x Bojuka Bog
2x Deathmark
2x Path to Exile
2x Kitchen Finks
2x Nature's Claim
3x Great sable Stag
3x Infest

As I mentioned before, I really enjoyed playing the deck and would have made only a couple changes.

Main Deck
-1 Quasali Pridemate
+1 Green Sun's Zenith

Green Sun's Zenith was sooooo good for me, I was never disappointed to draw it at any point in the game, be it late or early. It was always extremely useful since it fetches everything in my deck except for the mystic.

-1 Bojuka Bog
+1 Deathmark

Deathmark could be go for the throat all the same, but when I sided them in they won me several games, and could have won me more if I would have had extra to draw. Bojuka bog only got sided in against Jund, and i never had to use it!

Overall, I did enjoy myself but I was a little sad with the outcome. There were a couple of times where if I would have drawn a little different in key times I would have won 2-1 instead of losing 1-2. My 4-4 record could have easily been 6-2 but that's just how things work out sometimes.

Thanks again for reading. and if you have any questions or comments just leave me a note! Thanks!!!

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