Monday, June 22, 2009

Duels of the Planeswalkers

Like many of you, I jumped for glee when I heard that Magic was releasing this for the Xbox Arcade. So I downloaded it last week and got a few hours of game play in. So here are a few thoughts so far:

Well. Overall I like the game. The best part is that it only costs 800 microsoft points and you get a free foil Garruk card with purchase... Sweet ...It is also super fun to play through the campaign mode and I especially enjoy spending a few minutes throughout the day going through the challenges sections (several are super easy, but there a few that will stretch your mind...I am talking to you Lilliana Vess).

I do have a few frustrations though.
1. The game clock presses you to make a choice before you are ready. Too many times I have missed an activated ability or playing a spell because my time ran out.
2. Some of the controls seem clunky.
3. I don't believe there is any way to make your own deck. You use each planeswalker's deck and you are able to switch out cards that get for each deck, but you lack the ability to mix decks.

But all in all, I think it is definitely the best game Magic has put out and again the price is worth it. I have yet to play any multiplayer online, but I am sure I will begin soon enough.

Hit me up if you want to give it a go online and leave us your thoughts.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JADE BLUE 1979


  1. Not bad. Keep writing. Additionally, sign up for a twitter account and post there everytime you post a new blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for the feedback...The twitter account is up and going. Check it out at:
