Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wizard Manipulation

One of the coolest themes in MTG is the Blue Wizard theme. Throughout the history of Magic there have been many powerful control based Wizard decks that have done very well in tournament play. Today I want to share with you my own Wizard deck that I have developed over the last year or so. Most of the cards are from the Lorwyn block but there are some older cards that take it over the top. There are 3 major themes in my Wizard deck that make it a formidable force to be reckoned with. I focus on counters, stealing the opponent's creatures, and bouncing permanents. All three of these are tried and true Blue themes within Magic. First we'll discuss the combos that are in the deck...

This combo can be deadly if it is executed properly. First, play Sage of Fables on turn 3 and then Glen Elendra Archmage on turn 4. You are now set up to counter all of your opponent's noncreature spells indefinitely because your Archmage will keep coming back into play with a +1/+1 counter from Sage of Fables which washes out the -1/-1 counter from the Persist ability.

The first card, Familiar's Ruse is the main combo card for the other three cards. You can counter an opponent's spell and return either Vendilion Clique, Venser, Shaper Savant, or Sower of Temptation back to your hand. All three of these creatures have unique abilities when they come into play so you are at an advantage if you can play them over and over.

Cryptic Command is a devastating card that is even more lethal when Twincasted. Ouch! Other notable cards in this deck include Vedalken Shackles, Evacuation, Stonybrook Banneret, Sage's Dousing, and Telepathy...

Here is the deck list laid out for you...

Venser, Shaper Savant x3
Sage of Fables x3
Sower of Temptation x4
Glen Elendra Archmage x2
Stonybrook Banneret x4
Vendilion Clique x3

Vedalken Shackles x3

Telepathy x2

Twincast x1
Familiar's Ruse x3
Sage's Dousing x3
Cryptic Command x3
Evacuation x3

Island x23

Ideally you would like to get Telepathy out on turn 1, Stonybrook Banneret out on turn 2, and Vedalken Shackles out on turn 3. This run of cards should give you some pretty powerful leverage to control the game the rest of the way. This is a fun deck that should do pretty well in a casual setting. Let me know your thoughts and good luck on your next coin flip!

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