Monday, July 6, 2009

Combo and Synergy - July

These two cards are awesome together in a 4 or 5 color control deck. Play the Flurry of Wings when your opponent is attacking with all his or her creatures. Let each of the tokens block a creature, and before damage is dealt play Fight to the Death to kill each attacking and blocking creature. An instant WOG ability is awesome to play with and devastating to play against.

These two cards are okay on their own; however, they are crazy powerful together. Tap the druid to float a forest mana. Put a -1/-1 counter on the druid to untap her and use the floated mana for Quillspike's ability to eat the counter and become bigger. You can infinitely reapeat this combo to make an infintely large quillspike to attack or block with.

Progenitus is such a cool card; however, he is just so bloody expensive. So why not play him for 1/2 his cost. On your opponent's turn, while he or she is attacking, play Dramatic Entrance putting Progenitus into play surprising your opponent's strongest creature, killing it and setting yourself up to attack for 10 on your next turn.

This is a cool way to wipe your opponents off the board. On turn 3 play Feral Hydra putting 2 counters on him when he comes into play. Then on turn 4 play Mirrorweave making all creatures in play a copy of Feral Hydra. All creatures will become a 0/0 and those without counters will immediately die.

This is an awesome combo that can wipe out your opponent in no time. Choose white or blue when you play Painter's Servant. Then on turn 5 kill your opponent with Chaotic Backlash. Chaotic Backlash will do damage equal to twice the number of white or blue permanents he/she controls (which should be atleast 10 damage if they have 5 lands in play.)

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