Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dovescape Deck

Dovescape is a card that I've always been fascinated with. About two months ago I built a deck around the card which is very token driven. There are only 2 creatures spells in the deck in order to take advantage of Dovescape's unique ability. With that said let's move on to the strategy behind the deck...

Runed Halo is the only 2 drop you have in this deck and it is very important that you have a full play set of 4. It allows you to neutralize the biggest threat your opponent might have very quickly in the game. This should buy you some time to gain control of the game using the "meat" of the deck which comes on turns 3 and 4...

Ideally you'll want to have Spectral Procession available to play on turn 3 and either Glorious Anthem or Ajani Goldmane as your play on turn 4. This will set you up very well to control the board. Other good cards for turns 3 and 4 are Opal Guardian and Cenn's Enlistment. While they are not ideal plays in these spots they are good substitutes in case you didn't draw your Spectral Procession. Path to Exile is a very versatile card that can either take out a powerful creature your opponent has or allow you to accelerate your mana by exchanging one of your tokens for a land. This will allow you to play Dovescape a turn early which could be very important.

Mirrorweave and Hallowed Burial are great bailout cards that can also be used to generate Dove tokens after Dovescape is played if you don't need to clear the board. Once again, every spell in this deck are non-creature spells except for 2 Godhead of Awe which brings us to the "finishers" of this deck...

Once Dovescape is played you should be able control the game decisively from that point on. If your opponent has a big creature on the board with some sort of evasion or Trample then you have Godhead of Awe to even the playing field. Most of the time you'll have more non-creature spells than your opponent so you'll just out-Dove him to death. This is an exciting deck that is very fun in casual play. Here is the final decklist...

Creature Spells
Godhead of Awe x2

Enchantment Spells
Dovescape x3
Runed Halo x4
Glorious Anthem x2
Opal Guardian x4

Instant Spells
Mirrorweave x4
Path to Exile x3

Planeswalker Spells
Ajani Goldmane x2

Sorcery Spells
Hallowed Burial x4
Spectral Procession x4
Cenn's Enlistment x4

Plains x24

I hope this deck idea has given you guys some new ideas. Drop me a line if you have any questions and don't be afraid to leave your thoughts in the comment section. Take care and good luck on your next coin flip!

P.S. If you like what you see I have a similar Dovescape Deck for sale at my ebay store. Check it out at...


  1. I love the idea for this deck. After buying a few cards I also made some modifcations:

    No path to exiles, Ajani goldmane, spectral processions or hallowed burial.

    Added Honor of the pure, soul wardens, an extra dovescape and sigel of the empty throne. Considering using the new white enchantress creature. The deck rocks.

  2. Mesa Enchantress is a great addition to this deck. Ever since 2010 came out I knew Honor of the Pure was made for this deck. It's like Glorious Anthem on steroids! Please keep me posted on how this deck plays out for you. I know my playing partner is sick and tired of the Dovescape deck. ;)

  3. Dovescape works great with Suture Priest. It locks the board up while buying you life and time. It also neutralizes token decks, which would be one of the two strategies I would use to counter Godhead of Awe.

    Second, if you have lots of tokens and especially if you have Godhead of Awe, then you need to run Mirror Entity. It not only pumps all of your tokens for an end-move but it will temporarily override Godhead of Awe. Because its not a sorcery, it does good on the defensive too.

    You might also want to consider skullclamp for card draw.
